Hi Padma, each star is worth 20 points. The score gets registered in a table, for each username (contestant), according to the number of stars clicked by the voters. One star is worth 20 points, and five stars is worth 100 points. And the points accrue over the days, according to the number of votes a contestant receives. The contestant with the maximum number of points (score) is the winner (as is the case anywhere). Since it is not easy for our members to vote on all the entries on one day, we keep the polls open for about five to six days.
Unfortunately I was tied up with some personal work at home so I was neither able to take part nor vote for the participants in this contest Sorry about that and congrats to the winner
Now that the results with the votes and points are out, I would like to pour out my feelings here.
The real winnners are those who got the lesser points, since they had the guts to upload their work not with an intension to get a prize but with a good heart to participate with a good motive of enjoying with others.I really enjoyed All their works and I am sure they will try and improve their work more in future taking the necessary tips and clues from this lovely ikolam site.
Regarding the winners( though I am also One among them) all deserve our appreciations. But many of them refrained from commenting on others work. Apart from votes and points, all of us eagerly expect others comments. But why winners also ignored others good work ? Time constraint? ( No, everybody has only 24 hours a day and have got equally other important works to attend , like for example Judy madam though did not find time explained her absence in participating and commenting)).I am not referring to the ONE time visitors/ friends who opened ONLY their friend/ relatives kolam and commented. My concern is about the other participants... their silence in not encouraging others with their COMMENTS. is a sad thing. (In a short span of 2 days I tried to comment on all the work( except one or two ommisions by oversight) and voted for them.
So the people who commented and voted to ALL without any partiality are the WINNERS!!!
I would like to have others view in this.
I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts Rajam, and that's why we wanted to post another post on some more details as well. We're on our Thanksgiving break and I'm finding it a bit hard to manage things on my end with school being out. I would like to say more...in the next two days. Thank you for your thoughts on this.
I also agree with Rajammaji. Some vote only for their friends which affect the rate of scores though other entries are also good. I always vote to all the entries for their enthusiasm and the effort taken to make a rangoli.
Hi - It is nice too see the spirit of the long time users. I voted for all the participants but commented only for some. I actually do less of commenting as I am new to this and not an expert in kolams. As it was a contest I thought of voting all the participants would be the best thing. But i appreciate your views.
Veena maam I am glad u voted dear, but do comment as well cos I feel u need not be an expert to comment. You need not say any opinion, u can though. You can just appreciate the work, maybe tell them u liked it, even if it means only one word like good, nice etc. By the way Lata, I am a winner dear since Rajamma said, cos I voted and commented
I don't want to stir the hornets' nest once again as I expressed my views in this regard on earlier occasions in very great detail Even this year, in my very first comment I urged everyone to view all the rangOlis. Of course, I decided not to vote this year and I considered everyone a winner. Why I am writing this little message is - one can avoid the skewing of the results in the following way. Those who have voted for all the rangOlis will get full value for their vote whereas those who do not, will get only a smaller weight. For example, since there are 52 entries, the vote value for those who voted for all is 52/52 i.e., 1.0. But if somebody has voted for only 33 entries, that person's vote value will be 33/52. If someone votes for his/her friend or relative and for none else, then the vote value is just 1/52. That vote is not thrown out, but its value is very low as not to affect the overall value. This is a very simple way of eliminating distortions in the voting pattern.
Sat, 2010-11-20 22:15
Sun, 2010-11-21 19:29
Congrats to all the participants and winners!
Padma Prakash
Sun, 2010-11-21 21:22
HI Lata, Kindly give us some information just for knowledge sake. How the votes are counted and the marks are assigned.
Sun, 2010-11-21 21:36
Hi Padma, each star is worth 20 points. The score gets registered in a table, for each username (contestant), according to the number of stars clicked by the voters. One star is worth 20 points, and five stars is worth 100 points. And the points accrue over the days, according to the number of votes a contestant receives. The contestant with the maximum number of points (score) is the winner (as is the case anywhere). Since it is not easy for our members to vote on all the entries on one day, we keep the polls open for about five to six days.
Sun, 2010-11-21 22:00
Unfortunately I was tied up with some personal work at home so I was neither able to take part nor vote for the participants in this contest
Sorry about that and congrats to the winner 
Mon, 2010-11-22 06:56
Congrats to the winner and to the participants too
Mon, 2010-11-22 09:14
congratulations to the winners and participants of the diwali kolam contest....
Tue, 2010-11-23 21:52
Now that the results with the votes and points are out, I would like to pour out my feelings here.
The real winnners are those who got the lesser points, since they had the guts to upload their work not with an intension to get a prize but with a good heart to participate with a good motive of enjoying with others.I really enjoyed All their works and I am sure they will try and improve their work more in future taking the necessary tips and clues from this lovely ikolam site.
Regarding the winners( though I am also One among them) all deserve our appreciations. But many of them refrained from commenting on others work. Apart from votes and points, all of us eagerly expect others comments. But why winners also ignored others good work ? Time constraint? ( No, everybody has only 24 hours a day and have got equally other important works to attend , like for example Judy madam though did not find time explained her absence in participating and commenting)).I am not referring to the ONE time visitors/ friends who opened ONLY their friend/ relatives kolam and commented. My concern is about the other participants... their silence in not encouraging others with their COMMENTS. is a sad thing. (In a short span of 2 days I tried to comment on all the work( except one or two ommisions by oversight) and voted for them.
So the people who commented and voted to ALL without any partiality are the WINNERS!!!
I would like to have others view in this.
Tue, 2010-11-23 23:27
I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts Rajam, and that's why we wanted to post another post on some more details as well. We're on our Thanksgiving break and I'm finding it a bit hard to manage things on my end with school being out. I would like to say more...in the next two days. Thank you for your thoughts on this.
Wed, 2010-11-24 01:08
I also agree with Rajammaji. Some vote only for their friends which affect the rate of scores though other entries are also good. I always vote to all the entries for their enthusiasm and the effort taken to make a rangoli.
Wed, 2010-11-24 02:53
i voted to all entries.. coz i like to see many designs.. but commented for few,.. nyways all the best..
and vote for me too : my entries are here:
veena manigandan
Wed, 2010-11-24 04:49
Hi - It is nice too see the spirit of the long time users. I voted for all the participants but commented only for some. I actually do less of commenting as I am new to this and not an expert in kolams. As it was a contest I thought of voting all the participants would be the best thing. But i appreciate your views.
Wed, 2010-11-24 06:02
Veena maam I am glad u voted dear, but do comment as well cos I feel u need not be an expert to comment. You need not say any opinion, u can though. You can just appreciate the work, maybe tell them u liked it, even if it means only one word like good, nice etc. By the way Lata, I am a winner dear since Rajamma said, cos I voted and commented
Wed, 2010-11-24 06:27
I don't want to stir the hornets' nest once again as I expressed my views in this regard on earlier occasions in very great detail
Even this year, in my very first comment I urged everyone to view all the rangOlis. Of course, I decided not to vote this year and I considered everyone a winner. Why I am writing this little message is - one can avoid the skewing of the results in the following way. Those who have voted for all the rangOlis will get full value for their vote whereas those who do not, will get only a smaller weight. For example, since there are 52 entries, the vote value for those who voted for all is 52/52 i.e., 1.0. But if somebody has voted for only 33 entries, that person's vote value will be 33/52. If someone votes for his/her friend or relative and for none else, then the vote value is just 1/52. That vote is not thrown out, but its value is very low as not to affect the overall value. This is a very simple way of eliminating distortions in the voting pattern.
Regards! - mOhana
Wed, 2010-11-24 10:21
lata , the best solution seems to be like preparing a voters list.. like we do in our Indian voting
lol... just kidding