pAnchajanya - ShriKrishna's Conch

anirudh's picture
About pAnchajanya - ShriKrishna's Conch : PRINT

There is a rain of marghaLi rangolis, hence i could not wait to add one from my side :). Here is the famous Conch/ Shanku Rangoli, with a little change. As usual drawn & colored in PS.

Dots: 15 X 8 - intermediate.

Rangoli: pAnchajanya - ShriKrishna's Conch


umaraja's picture

colorful conch kolam ,,, nice to see ur margazhi creation anirudh

s_kavita's picture

Nice anirudha I have added this to my library..will try it in on my floor...ur diyas look like roses....bright colours gives it a more festive look...

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow welcome back anirudh! back with bang! :star: :star: :star: :star: Dirol

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow!! Wonderful anirudh. Very attractive and thanks for your marghazi rangoli.

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow....welcome back anirudh...missed ur creations ....very neatly created ps creation...with nice palich cols Smile

ananthiraju's picture

Very attractive Shanku kolam,beautiful design,I too added to my shanku kolam collection.

BalaChandrasekaran's picture

Bright kolam,lovely colour combo.

anirudh's picture

thanks all for enjoying & commenting....hope to share/see some real ones shortly Smile