15 x 8

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • dotted rangoli on makar sankranti day
  • pAnchajanya - ShriKrishna's Conch
  • Star Flowers
  • Simple Star flowers
  • Leaf Kolam
  • Margazhi
Rangoli: dotted rangoli on makar sankranti day
Created by adyasha on 2014-01-17,
This rangoli was published on 2014-01-17.
Rangoli: pAnchajanya - ShriKrishna's Conch
Created by anirudh on 2013-12-23,

There is a rain of marghaLi rangolis, hence i could not wait to add one from my side :). Here is the famous Conch/ Shanku Rangoli, with a little change. As usual drawn & colored in PS.

Dots: 15 X 8 - intermediate.

Rangoli: Star Flowers
Created by anirudh on 2013-10-03,

One more for the 15X8 series, easy one for all to try....as usual PS version Smile

Rangoli: Simple Star flowers
Created by anirudh on 2013-04-27,

I felt this is one of the easy ones in 15 X 8 series. Asusual scanned & colored.

Rangoli: Leaf Kolam
Created by Shibrudha on 2013-01-11,

Hope u all like my today's margazhi kolam.Your views please.

Rangoli: Margazhi
Created by Shibrudha on 2013-01-10,

Today's kolam