
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Margazhi day 16
  • pAnchajanya - ShriKrishna's Conch
  • Star Flowers
  • Star and flower buds
  • Parrots with Mangoes
  • birthday wishes kolam
  • DK-9 & 10
  • Kolam - star
  • Girls-party! rangoli
Created by HEMA MURALI on 2016-12-30,

Rangoli Dotted Kolam (connected dots): Margazhi day 16 by HEMA MURALI

Rangoli: pAnchajanya - ShriKrishna's Conch
Created by anirudh on 2013-12-23,

There is a rain of marghaLi rangolis, hence i could not wait to add one from my side :). Here is the famous Conch/ Shanku Rangoli, with a little change. As usual drawn & colored in PS.

Dots: 15 X 8 - intermediate.

Rangoli: Star Flowers
Created by anirudh on 2013-10-03,

One more for the 15X8 series, easy one for all to try....as usual PS version Smile

Rangoli: Star and flower buds
Created by anirudh on 2013-04-10,

Adding one more from 15X8 collection. Could make some time for extra enhancements, hence some textural coloring Smile

Dot grid 15 X 8 interlaced.

Rangoli: Parrots with Mangoes
Created by anirudh on 2013-04-09,

Scanning through my collections, saw some parrots, but thought adding mangoes to the stem would be ideal for the season. Happy mango eating!!! Wink

As usual scanned & colored.
Dot grid 15 X 8. Got few more in this dot grid series, will be uploading them shortly.

Rangoli: birthday wishes kolam
Created by chandhini.selvaraj on 2012-10-01,

hi lata aunty...please accept this simple kolam done to wish you on your birthday...hi everybody...how are you :love: :bigsmile: ...hope you all like this simple kolam done by me...awaiting your views Smile Smile

Rangoli: DK-9 & 10
Created by Jayashubha on 2011-04-05,

These were the dotted kolams which I put for Ugadi. The first one was put on the road in front of our gate. I have given a Kavi lining which is not visible in the photo. The second was put in front of our main door.

Created by sudhasankar on 2008-11-27,
This is a dotted kolam (connected dots).
Girls-party! rangoli
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,

A 15x8 dotted kolam, suitable to make for special occasions like Navratri.
Please press the blue arrow seen below the image, to see the animation.