Margazhi dew drops Kolam contest - 2008-2009

KavithaParthasarathy's picture


brintha's picture

very neat work
beautiful also

jayamohan's picture

Very good design. Neatly done.
You could have brought the brown color to the centre which will make it more attractive!

rajamma_2's picture

nice design and neat work. color choice could have been better

indirasundhar's picture

nice design ,neat beautiful

judelined's picture

cool work

Rradharavi's picture

good one

s.srividya's picture


lakshmiraghu's picture

excelent design and neat work

jkmrao's picture

Very nicely executed. But symmetry was destroyed
by the colours. Otherwise, really nice. Best
of luck and regards! - mOhana

jayashri1958's picture

Good Kolam but it could have been looked better if u had given the colors in an better way

G.Padmavathi's picture

Nice design, neat and beautiful work

sundarmaya's picture

very good symmetry and uniformity u have but the colour choice is not good. always make the centre bright and dark with lighter colours on the outside which will give a 3D effect to any kolam

krithikaa21's picture

Beautiful and nice kolam kavitha. I can c ur hard work in your kolam. All the Best for u.

Kavitha Natarajan's picture

it is veyr nice i like very much.

devikak's picture

very beautiful work. Keep it up.

devikak's picture

Dear Lata,

What happened to the old kolams. Will it be available in future.