10 x 10 Dotted Rangoli

bsindhuja's picture
About 10 x 10 Dotted Rangoli : PRINT

I tried to make a dotted Padikolam(??) as Padi kolams are my favourite (also difficult for me to draw free hand!!) Though it is a 10 x 10 dot matrix, I have made a lot of free hand additions too. Hope it resembles a Padi kolam!!

Rangoli: 10 x 10 Dotted Rangoli


veena manigandan's picture

Beautiful padi kolam. Colouring is very nice.

vijaysowmya's picture

very beautiful work and the coloring looks very pretty. the outer borders are very good. well done.

lakshmiraghu's picture

excellent....looks different.....keep it up

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Beau..tiful .Very clean and neat work.Hats off to u

subashini's picture

very beautiful padikolam in a ten into ten matrix.and nice coloring.

judelined's picture

Very neat work Sindhu - I like the neatness and colouring here

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...such a neat execution from u sindhuja....lovely padi kolam with nice colouring too....

P.Veni's picture

Neat and colourful.

Pragaya's picture

Beautiful and different padi kolam. The diyas add beauty to it.

bsindhuja's picture

Thank you friends, for your encouraging remarks. Hope to try this with kolapodi also!!

Vinci's picture

Lovely work and hoping to see it in floor soon Smile

smahalakshmi's picture

Your dotted padi kolam looks so lovely.
