10x10 theme

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • shiv ling
  • Mini Chikku kolam
  • 10x10 Padikolam on floor
  • butterfly
  • flower pots
  • 10 by10 rangoli
  • 10x10 Kolam
  • The 10 -10 collection - Cadbury Gems
  • Dotted Rangoli
  • Man Madhan Ambu
Rangoli: shiv ling
Created by indhu420 on 2011-04-18,

a 10 X 10 kolam that i lifted from one of the kolams on display in this site Smile

Rangoli: Mini Chikku kolam
Created by vijaysowmya on 2011-03-07,

After a series of freehand mini kolams I thought to do some chikku kolams in small size just for a change and started with a 10*10 dot count. Normally I do outer designs for my kolams but this time I have done with side borders which goes with the kolam design.Looking forward to your comments and suggestions.

Rangoli: 10x10 Padikolam on floor
Created by bsindhuja on 2011-03-07,

One friday, I tried my 10x10 matrix padikolam on the floor and this is the outcome. Hope it resembles by paper and pen version. Though it took me about 45 min to complete, I was happy to finally see my creation on the floor.

Rangoli: butterfly
Created by julien on 2011-02-22,

i draw this kolam for my kid. she asked butterfly kolam. so i try.. i share with ikolam viewers..
dot count : 10 - 10 straight dots

Rangoli: flower pots
Created by bharathibhaskar on 2011-02-20,

hi, this is a dotted kolam 10 * 10 imaginary rangoli.....Enjoy!!!

Rangoli: 10 by10 rangoli
Created by ushavenkatesh on 2011-02-20,

hai friends, 10 by 10 rangoli drawn yesterday.your comments please.

Rangoli: 10x10 Kolam
Created by Vinci on 2011-02-20,

My small contribution to the 10x10 collection.
My fingers are yet to sign for a peace treaty, expecting their coordination soon..
After completion, I felt the dot spacing could been reduced and the squeezing of liquid should have been minded, Still miles to go Smile Maybe the number of dots (100) scared me :0
Expecting your suggestion, As I value them a lot.

Rangoli: The 10 -10 collection - Cadbury Gems
Created by judelined on 2011-02-18,

I was trying to do a sketch of the floor plan for my hubby's office emergency / fire exits just now (it is past midnight) and finally managed to complete it and copy it into his pen drive to be printed and put up on their notice board or something like that. Before I shut down the computer I thought of making a quick 10 - 10 dots kolam and I selected the most easiest of Anita's recent creation as I did not want to spend too much time since I was sleepy already. A real quick kolam it was as I finished it in 10 minutes flat and this is the out come. I am sure many of you are going to love the cadbury gems in this kolam and it is specially dedicated to the kids in ikolam.

Rangoli: Dotted Rangoli
Created by chandy on 2011-02-17,

10 x 10 straight dots. Tried to use monochromatic colours. Is it ok?

Rangoli: Man Madhan Ambu
Created by rajamma_2 on 2011-02-14,

Hope the Title and the 10x10 kolam is suitable for wishing this LOVEly day. I wish....
LIFE and LOVE are as SIMPLE and COLOURFUl like this!
