This kolam inspired by dear Ranima....Thankyou ranima.....Love u so much...I did it on the occasion of ganesh chaturthi in mumbai....Thanks to shri ganapati bappa I could upload the picture...
- freehand
- freehand
- finger rangoli
- Freehand
- Dev Dipawali
- Diwali
- freehand
- diwali
Done by me today on the occassion of ashadhi ekadashi .....celebrated throughout maharashtra...
This rangoli done by me today on the ocassion of devdipawali which is celebrated throughout maharashtra.Wishing you all a prosperous golden era ahead...Thanks.
My rangoli radiating love,joy,peace.....all rangolis here are so great and divine....Beautiful creative work and thanks to all....Due to technical fault could'nt upload my rangoli earlier....This was made by me this diwali ....
Thanks for choosing my peacock rangoli as the rangoli of the day.Thanks to lata,radhika,ammuchandhini,alameluranganath,meena,balachandrasekaran,
vijaysowmya,vlakshmi,anirudh,dr.rekha shetty,rajee sriram & all ikolam members for those encouraging comments &appreciation.I made another rangoli to share my joy with u all.And this rangoli dedicated to all u lovely people.I thought of giving virtual ladoos to u all.Please accept it.Thanks for welcoming me at ikolam.I am Kavita from Mumbai.
This is a freehand rangoli...I have seen rangolis posted on this site.All so beautiful.Done with passion& so perfect.It reflects the mindset of people who made them & they seem wonderful to me.My sincere namaskar &love to all.