

Rangoli: Happy vijayadashmi
Rangoli: freehand
Rangoli: Happy diwali 2015
Rangoli: Happy diwali 2015
Rangoli: Happy vijayadashmi
Rangoli: freehand
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • krishnajayanthi rangoli
  • freehand
  • Inspirational rangoli
  • freehand
  • freehand
  • freehand
  • freehand
  • freehand
Rangoli: krishnajayanthi rangoli

This rangoli inspired by lata mam's animated tutorials.....thank you lata mam ..Happy krishnajanmashtami to all....

Rangoli: freehand

heelo friends....this rangoli for ur u ikolam....

Rangoli: Inspirational rangoli

This freehand rangoli inspired by my loving dear sowmi mam.....all love to her...

Rangoli: freehand

cool floral summer design for u my dear frnds....and r u refreshed now....

Rangoli: freehand

This freehand kolam inspired by one of the ratnas amongst ikolam members...sowmya mam(ikolam ratna).It is not as perfect as hers...just a little attempt from my side...I am still learning.....May god fulfill each of her dreams...

Rangoli: freehand

This kolam is inspired by sowmya mam....while making it I offered my gratitude to her...hope my vibes reached u mam& thank u so much...

Rangoli: freehand

Posting my kolam for ur views...

Rangoli: freehand

enjoy the peacoks....
