This rangoli inspired by lata mam's animated tutorials.....thank you lata mam ..Happy krishnajanmashtami to all....
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- krishnajayanthi rangoli
- freehand
- Inspirational rangoli
- freehand
- freehand
- freehand
- freehand
- freehand
This freehand rangoli inspired by my loving dear sowmi mam.....all love to her...
This freehand kolam inspired by one of the ratnas amongst ikolam members...sowmya mam(ikolam ratna).It is not as perfect as hers...just a little attempt from my side...I am still learning.....May god fulfill each of her dreams...
This kolam is inspired by sowmya mam....while making it I offered my gratitude to her...hope my vibes reached u mam& thank u so much...