
s_kavita's picture
About freehand : PRINT

Posting my kolam for ur views...

Rangoli: freehand


ammuchandhini's picture

Wow....absolutely gorgeous looking rangoli so neatly colored by u happy to c ur post after sometime Smile

s_kavita's picture

Thank you ma....actually I was'nt able to log-in the site nor could I comment ...some technical fault at my end....tried yesterday to access the site ...I missed ikolam so much....

Sailaja Sharma's picture

Very Beautiful

s_kavita's picture

Dear Sailaja mam thank you for enjoying my rangoli...

rajamma_2's picture

Cute Jodi Pachchai kiligal, colouring super, Smile

s_kavita's picture

Dear rajamma mam thank you for appreciating my rangoli....Last week I made ur lotus kolam pattern 1-4-3-2-1 in my pooja room...Thanks for sharing the technique ....Love & warm regards...

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow!!! Very very pretty kavita. Well drawn and coloured so beautifully with a lot of neatness. Nice to see your work after some time. Smile