Marghazhi 7

bsindhuja's picture
About Marghazhi 7 : PRINT

One of my Marghazhi chikku kolams. Don't remember where I saw this chikku design; i have tried a coloured version.

Rangoli: Marghazhi 7


judelined's picture

Neat work Sindhu and I like the way you have separated the four corners with white making them look like a different section altogether even though they are connected to the main kolam. The central colouring looks interesting..

Suguna Murugesan's picture

cute colourful chikku kolam!-suguna murugesan

umaraja's picture

looks like a color cream cake sindhu

Pragaya's picture

Very beautiful round chikku kolam. Colouring is good.

P.Veni's picture

Lovely sikku kolam,sindhuja

dibbutn's picture

Very creative one. The fact that you have used colors makes it look more beautiful

Vinci's picture

Nice kolam and done neatly.
Looks like the design is changing its color while travelling..

ammuchandhini's picture cute colouring for a sikku kolam sindu...neat strokes pa....

bsindhuja's picture

Thank you for all your sweet comments...

veena manigandan's picture

Very nice chikku kolam with colours. Neat work.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lovely sikku kolam

vijaysowmya's picture

Very neatly drawn pretty chikku kolam...your strokes look very clean and clear..