Yet another rangOli with 10x10 dots

jkmrao's picture
About Yet another rangOli with 10x10 dots : PRINT

This pattern is based on a very ordinary common rangOli with (1,3,5,3,1 in between) in the general parlance or (3x3) square dots in my way. They are joined together. There are many lines in this one unlike the two previous where we had only two lines. But here the symmetry is higher (422). I created in such a way that it reminds one of a stained glass window. Enjoy!

regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Yet another rangOli with 10x10 dots


veena manigandan's picture

Very nice. Looks like a painting.

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow...amazing design this looks:)

lakshmiraghu's picture

looks grand...very nice

subashini's picture

very attractive and beautiful design .Thank you so much for sharing.

judelined's picture

Thank you for the lovely collection of new kolams JKM - I am going to try this in my version..

ammuchandhini's picture

Thanks for a new pattern jkm sir ...and judy i am going to try it in a bigger version....

P.Veni's picture

Beautiful pattern.

Pragaya's picture

Superb design. It is so intricate that even copying this will be difficult for me.

bsindhuja's picture

Such a beautiful and attractive pattern!! Waiting eagerly to see both Judy's and Ms. Rani's versions very soon Smile

Vinci's picture

Colorful and enteraning my eyes.

smahalakshmi's picture

Very Nice kolam for my collection.
