chikku kolam contest 2011

geetha_gopi's picture


Vinci's picture

WoW!! I'm amazed to see a huge carpet weaved by chikku strands. More than 2000 dots OMG, Wondering how much time, members and work involved to create this kolam.
May I expect the creator to elaborate the description with some more words Smile

geetha_gopi's picture

i did this for more than 6 hours. i did half the kolam at night 10 to 12 . the remaining i completed in the morning from 4 to 8.. my grandma taught this kolam.the smallest of this kolam comes as 7,5,3,1. i did this from 71 to 1 totally more than 2000 dots. lamps i coloured with tri color to symbolise india

jayamohan's picture

Huge kolam with suitable slogan is amazing! Hats off if this is done you single handed!

umaraja's picture

UNBELIEVABE ,2000 DOTS, I MAY FAINT BEFORE KEEPING DOTS HE HE HE, fantastic execution, i pray that ur hardwork must be honoured to the fullest , ur unity slogans are very touching, again i coudnt imagine a person doing such a grt grt ggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttt kolam, al d bst, kindly xpln the making

geetha_gopi's picture

i did this all alone. it took 6 hours for me to complete. half i completed at night and half i did in the early husbands idea to pass a messags wiht the kolam. thanks for admiring

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

AWHAT A GREAT MESSAGE. nO DOUBT THAT IT IS A MAGICAL CARPET.LET YOUR MESSAGE WORK LIKE A MAGIC .As such you r a winner in your own way but all the best for the this competition

indira sundar's picture

Fantastic.........How did you draw this?... i cannot imagine............thanks for the huge sikku kolam..........All the best!-Indira Sundar

akilandeswari's picture

very huge carpet chikku kolam. great work. all the best.

ammuchandhini's picture

Wow...what a grand sikku kolam with such neat strokes.....although a closer look at this would've been more enjoyable...all d best dear....

mvrajitha's picture

Superb, marvelous sikku mat with message. Hats of to your patience and interest. great job

dibbutn's picture

Wow 2000 dots!!! this is the actual chikku kolam in the true sense... awesome work, but i would love to see a close up of the kolam ... hats off to u maam

vijaysowmya's picture

wow.. .what should i say about this one...a huge huge did you do this....would like to have a close view... all the best...

P.Veni's picture

Wow!!!!!!! Amazing...What a work!!! Hats off..All the best.

chandy's picture

Is it more than 200 or 2000? Very beautiful huge kolam. How many hours did it take to put the dots and draw?

rajee sriram's picture

Wow, you have so much patience I think.

subashini's picture

so big and so beautiful.very huge kolam .All the best.

rojababu's picture

hard work & patience willsurely make you a topper advance congrats

Pragaya's picture

Wow. It looks as if you have not drawn but intricately woven it. Very patiently drawn kolam.

How did you put it - in one stroke or took time in between?. How much time did it take for you to put? I think putting the dots itself would have taken hell of a time. All the best.

veena manigandan's picture

Mesmerising grand kolam. Each and every part of the kolam is done neatly. Great work. What to say! Thanks for your effort and giving us an opportunity to view this kolam.

rajapriyaks's picture

very biggggggggggg

judelined's picture

Hope your back is ok after you have put such a huge kolam. I am not able to comment with full justice as I am unable to see the kolam clearly - would have loved to see a closer image - all the best (your handwriting is very very neat)

geetha_gopi's picture

thanks for admiring my kolam. it took 6 hours to complete this kolam i did it all alone at the terrace of my house

lakshmiraghu's picture

Wow!!!!!!! Amazing.creation.....2000 dots !!!hats off to your patience...big and beautiful ...keep it up/all the best

brindhanagesh's picture

Your interest and dedication must be appreciated, Geetha Mam! it is really a difficult task to make these many dots and complete the kolam without getting confused. I think your husband's encouragement stands behind this! wonderful!! All the best. Convey my wishes to your husband also.

hema131177's picture

Really nice, i got an idea how to extended a kolam. Neat work.):--

bsindhuja's picture

A Breathtakingly beautiful chikku carpet. And a still more beautiful message comparing the complexities of our country with that of the chikku kolam All the best.

kameswari's picture

Very big kolam with large number of dots is so amazing. IF possible upload a closer view so that we can enjoy the kolam. All the best.

Indubabu's picture

Very nice kolam. A closer look would have been much better to enjoy the intricacies and the design thoroughly. - Indu

sreegiri's picture

very very nice kolam. so big and so beautiful . great job.

Bhavani Mayilvahanan's picture

This is the real chikku kolam indeed , I admire u'r patience ........... it is really a hard work ....ALL THE BEST

smahalakshmi's picture

I take a long breathe after reading the description. How much time it took for you to keep the dots alone? We all appreciate your patience and dedication to this art. All the best.


Padma Prakash's picture

Such a complex and huge kolam. Hats off to your patience in drawing this. But a closer view would have been better. All d best.

anirudh's picture

wow...very daring attempt to draw such a huge one....yes please upload a bigger picture for us to enjoy more...i was seeing something similar in this video (at 3:16 & 5:20) ...but i got confused to draw them...hope you can share us more easy steps on these.... thanks for sharing...all the best

indu.rkc's picture

thanks for sharing such a dedicated kolam!good message also

Sarasp's picture

Hats off to your patience Smile
All the best !

Kavtha srikant's picture words to praise....keep it up ....

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

what a big chiku carpet kolam, really great.

anitha siddeswaran's picture

superb and marvelous sikku kolam. i will try to do this.

prafullamukhi's picture

Excellent!!!! superb !!! what an energy and spirit. Keep up the good job!

harinisudarsan's picture

OMG! Outstanding!! really wonder how much patience you have got..WOW! Hats off to you Geetha.