Nav Rangoli-1

kathriaki70's picture
About Nav Rangoli-1 : PRINT

For this year's Navaratri I decided to increase the number of my golu steps to 5. After filling up the four steps, I did not have any dolls left for the last and the fifth step. Then I came upon this idea of creating a rangoli step and decided to do a different rangoli for each of the nine days. Here I am presenting the nine kolams in three different submissions due to limited space. Enjoy!!

Rangoli: Nav Rangoli-1


malar anand's picture

Ur rangoli step is soooooooo cute.

mahimasharma's picture

good idea ,I liked the first one.......

jayamohan's picture

All are different and cute too!

maha_lakshmi's picture

very neat arrangement excellent.


smahalakshmi's picture

Nice designs. You have come up with novel idea.


ammuchandhini's picture

nice arrangement...good idea...

dibbutn's picture

Pretty, cute rangolis

Padma Prakash's picture

Brilliant idea and all the designs are very nice. I liked the 2nd and the fourth very much.

viji_j86's picture

very nice creations.

lakshmiraghu's picture

good idea... all are looks pretty..

Vinci's picture

Novel Idea of exhibiting your kolams in Golu. Good Work.. Cute Ganesha.
And the interesting part is the lamp holders with kolams. If possible please upload your collections in cafe section.

indu.rkc's picture

good work

kameswari's picture

All the rangolis are so cute. Rangoli with grains and fourth one are very nice.

umaraja's picture

difrnt idea , v can also try 4 golu

kathriaki70's picture

Thank you all for your wonderful comments!!! @Vinci-under which topic in the cafe section do I upload these rangolis. I am not sure if this is possible. Lata can probably guide me better.

subashini's picture

different and cute kolams.

rajamma_2's picture

Koluppadi with kolams? nice idea. all the kolams are different and looking cute

vijaysowmya's picture

cute kutty rangolis ..... beautiful....

Lata's picture

Looks lovely. Smile

vyjayanthi's picture

very good idea, very different and lovely

judelined's picture

lovely idea - looks so cute Smile