Flowers and Vilakku with candle decoration

reguprema's picture
About Flowers and Vilakku with candle decoration : PRINT

Tried doing a husky shading inside the 3 petal flowers, something like pencil drawing with varying shades of grey. Candles added to enhance deepam effect. Started out with 9 dots oodu pulli and ended in 5, I guess. But dots were mostly guidelines for symmetry and rest was expanded freehand.
Good luck to all contestants Smile
Regds, Alarmelu Regu

Rangoli: Flowers and Vilakku with candle decoration


Lata's picture

This rangoli looks beautiful decorated with candles. Nice tendrils around the flower. Smile
(I'll file it under dotted category tomorrow, since correcting it now would prevent it from displaying it in the main page).

ammuchandhini's picture

beautiful freehand design pa...with all diyas glowing ...

P.Veni's picture

So nice....

anubalki's picture

Pretty kolam.Absolutely, the added candles enhance the deepam effect.

Vinci's picture

Lovely design with neat strokes..

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful freehand design

rajamma_2's picture

Beautiful kolam and decorated with beautiful bright lamps.

dibbutn's picture

Looks very beautiful and divine with the lamps and artistically drawn kolam

reguprema's picture

thank you all Smile

sjnt's picture

well drawn with properly placed lamps.

judelined's picture

Pretty kolam, neatly decorated with bright lamps Smile

Padma Prakash's picture

Looks pretty and bright. The lamps have enhanced the total quality of the kolam. Shadings we are not able to make out.

chandy's picture

Golden glow rangoli. Very beautiful