Sumangala arthi Plate

Sumathi.v's picture
About Sumangala arthi Plate : PRINT

This is the 3rd in my series of Arthi Plates made with turmeric ,betel nut,bangles,flowers and bindi ,all that is auspicious for the wedding.I tried for plastic betel leaves.But could not get it.So I plan to arrange real betel leaves at the time of Arthi.

Rangoli: Sumangala arthi Plate


Purni's picture

Wow, Sumathi Ma'am...... It looks Great.....

subashini's picture

very nice sumathi.small suggestion for making betel leaf is ,you can make betel leaf with ceramic or chalk powder mixing with little water and fevicol.shape it like betel leaf.or put the mixture on betel leaf.After the leaf shape dried, you paint it with fabric paint.It will be looks naturals.Another way to make betel leaf is trace the leaf shape on thick plastic sheet.and color it with glass color.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Sumathi ,good idea......nice arrangement....waiting to see more of ur aarthi Plates

judelined's picture

Sumathi this is a fantastic idea - my nephew should be getting married in a couple of months - I think I will make these aarti plates myself and surprise them - thanks for the idea Smile

Sumathi.v's picture

Thanks for the encouraging comments,special thanks to subashini for her ideas

rajamma_2's picture

Sumathi, Manjal with pottu looking great.Nice way of decorating aarthi thattu.

Lata's picture

The flowers almost look like Crossandras. I like how you've used big sticker bindis over the turmeric pieces. They give the appearance of little mounds of kumkum. There is one small suggestion that I had wanted to make earlier, but forgot. The soda-bottle lid could be painted over, disguised. I remember using my old red nail polish for a similar project, a long time ago. Somehow the unused nail polish bottles do come in handy for minor painting jobs. Nice plate and nice words of blessings.

I'm homesick for suparis. Smile

Sumathi.v's picture

Lata ,will do the painting for the soda lid next time

renukagokul's picture

sumathi! great work! wonderful creativity! for making artificialbetel leaves to go with other items:
draw atemplate of betel leaves on a white chart paper with black pen., better childrens colouring pen.
and on thetemplate place an OHP sheet and draw out line of betel leaves either with black glas liner r any other liner like gold, copper.
allow it to dry for 1/2 hr. then fill the betel leaves with green glass colours.
u can shade the leaves with 2 cappropriate colours too.
and allow it to dry for a day and cut along the glass liner and ur ever green betel leaves r ready
renuka gokul

umaraja's picture

looks nice, could hav used real flowers

vidyaguruvayurappan's picture

creative thinking !!!!!!!!