Simple rangoli

Rajusree's picture
About Simple rangoli : PRINT

Tis simple rangoli which is made on one windy and sunny day. Tried with colored sand and rice flour with little kolapodi. Hope it has comeout o.k.

Rangoli: Simple rangoli


sreegiri's picture

nice kolam.

ammuchandhini's picture

hai mam nice kolam... i like d sides with dried leaves on either side...

dibbutn's picture

Rajushree maam nice kolam...

alameluranganath's picture

beautiful one

anubalki's picture

Very nice kolam

Vasi's picture

Very nice kolam.Colour ennum bright aaga erunthal miga nanraga erukkum.

jkmrao's picture

Beautiful! Did you get answers to your questions Smile

Regards! - mOhana

Lata's picture

This has come out much better than okay, Padmashree. Looks nice, with minimal colors. You make such good looking question marks. Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Nice kelvikkuri (?) kolam. Needs bright coloring on this white floor. Dry leaves didnot fly on ur kolam?

Lata's picture

They are not dry leaves but small bits of oak tree bark actually, called tanbark. Tanbark is a natural wood product formed from the outer layers of the tanbark oak tree. It is used for mulching around pathways and around garden-edging.

lakshmiraghu's picture

nice design and colours...

judelined's picture

Good work Padma Smile