Traditional Kolam

jayamohan's picture
About Traditional Kolam : PRINT
Rangoli: Traditional Kolam


saivaru's picture

Excellent design !!!

r.suganthy's picture

excellent work

rajamma_2's picture

hey Jaya, Indh kolam Manasvini vaasalil pottadhaa?

umahasopi's picture

excellent creativity..

srinidhisankar's picture

beautiful imagination

nithyaashok's picture

Beautiful padi kolam, excellent triangle and good symmetry

vidyaguruvayurappan's picture

Excellent kolam in deed. I 've saved this to my file. So that whenever on occasions I can draw this one.

jayamohan's picture

Yes, Rajam see the date of uploading! பழைய file -a தூசி தட்டி எடுத்திருக்காங்க!

rajamma_2's picture

Yes, Jaya,This was the kolam put infront of our home "Manasvini' during the Seemantham of my DIL.I put this early morning in a hurry and u took the photo and uploaded it in ikolam since I was not a member at that time.I'll be happy if u upload the Maakolam I put for your son's wedding recently.
So it is clear that so many kolam lovers are digging to see kolams of their choice even now.rajamma

BharathiKRaman's picture

very nice . The padi kolam looks very traditional. My MIL has added that to her collection of kolams.

BharathiKRaman's picture

bharathikraman is my MIL. im deepa her DIL. She does the kolam and upload it and send her comments to ikolam.