Digital rangoli ( Ayishwarya kolam with kuthuvillaku )

About Digital rangoli ( Ayishwarya kolam with kuthuvillaku ) : PRINT

Friends, I created this digital Ayishwarya kolam with animation today. Ur views pls...

Rangoli: Digital rangoli ( Ayishwarya kolam with kuthuvillaku )


Lata's picture

Lovely collection of chikku lamps! And the kolam at the center is so beautiful! Lovely ruby color. But I don't see the animation. Smile

(Just so you know, I had to delete the other rangoli since it wasn't showing up).


Lataji, I have uploaded both the jpg and swf format. In Rangoli page jpg image's thumb is displayed. But the swf image's thumb can not be displayed. In my computer when I clicked the Link of swf image, it showed the animation.
Now I upload the swf format. U pls check it by clicking the link.
If u can't see the animation, Please guide me, how to upload the flash animated creations... Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Wonderful creation gomathy...ya me too can't see any animation Smile

umaraja's picture

well created kolam in pc,,,

lakshmiraghu's picture

Wonderful creation gomathy

vijaysowmya's picture

Wow...Looks so divinr Gomathy. Nice to see your creations in all forms. Smile