Rajam's puzzle

Thank you, Lata for your immediate response! I am very happy now!
Sun, 07/15/2012 - 23:01 Permalink
slender strokes very casually drawn ,,, very pretty pink beauty
Mon, 07/16/2012 - 00:55 Permalink
superb jayaji...i like the way you have highlighted the puzzle and your completion in different color.
Mon, 07/16/2012 - 01:08 Permalink
Suguna Murugesan
wowwww excellent mam i like your casual strokes 8).... and thank you for your valuable comments on my kolams :) .....small request unga kolams appappa upload pannunga plzzzz :)
Mon, 07/16/2012 - 04:40 Permalink
Jaya maam, this is so neatly done that it looks like you have drawn with sketch pens on a black sheet of paper... excellent work maam... I liked your idea of putting Rajamma maam's strokes in a different color... loved it.
Mon, 07/16/2012 - 06:23 Permalink
Jaya, you gave a different solution to my puzzle and I too did the same. Appaadaaa! this will be a good proof that we 2, sisters didnot discuss the answers before! I envy your lovely floor. How can you be so lazy not putting kolam on this floor often! ( Or may be you are want of Space for uploading?) :~
Mon, 07/16/2012 - 07:56 Permalink
Omg...u can't imagine how happy i am on seeing ur floor kolam jaya mam...such beautiful strokes....vazhga vazhga power cut.....hehe :D
Mon, 07/16/2012 - 18:49 Permalink
Wow!! Wonderful kolam Jaya mam... Beautiful strokes and what a neatness...amazing...why don't you do some kolams for us on this floor and give us visual treats... 0:) :star: :star: :star:
Tue, 07/17/2012 - 01:22 Permalink
superooooo super jayaji...keep it up
Tue, 07/17/2012 - 06:50 Permalink