
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Rajam's puzzle
  • Rajamma aunty's puzzle-chikku kolam
  • solution to Rajam's incomplete kolam
  • Rajamma Maami's Puzzle Kolam
  • Complete the incomplete
  • Chikku Puzzle rangoli
Rangoli: Rajam's puzzle
Created by jayamohan on 2012-07-15,

This is my version of 'complete the incomplete' kolam by Rajamma!
Pink and green portion were provided by her.Rest are my 'kaivannam'!
Thanks to day long power cut which helped me to focus only on this!

Rangoli: Rajamma aunty's puzzle-chikku kolam
Created by chandhini.selvaraj on 2012-07-09,

hi rajamma aunty....this is my version of ur incomplete puzzle kolam....hope it is symmetrical coz I am still confused about this...waiting for ur views Smile

Rangoli: solution to Rajam's incomplete kolam
Created by subashini on 2012-07-09,

After 3 days struggle with paper,pencil, note book,and computer ,just a thought came and I got the answer just now.I finished my work within few seconds.Rajam, can you feel my excitement?Thank you so much for giving this opportunity. my answer may be wrong.though I enjoyed this .

Rangoli: Rajamma Maami's Puzzle Kolam
Created by dibbutn on 2012-07-08,

This is my interpretation of Rajamma maami's kolam. The dot count is 19x1, 17x1, 13x2, 9x2, 5x2, 1x1. Hope it is correct. Smile

Rangoli: Complete the incomplete
Created by rajamma_2 on 2012-07-08,

This is the completed version of my cafe in complete kolam. You all could have searched the galleries to get guidance. Wink Hai naa.. Rani!!! :bigsmile:( I really missed to see your original version when uploaded Dirol
When we were young we, sisters while wlaking on the road if we see a nice chikku kolam, we used to take the available bit of paper piece and one will draw the one side and other one will copy the other side of the kolam in a hurry and come home. After that, with the bit and pieces copied we will arrive at the full kolam. I remembered that and created this excercise.

Rangoli: Chikku Puzzle rangoli
Created by vijaysowmya on 2012-07-08,

Dear friends ..Whether correct or not I have given a try at this pattern and have a design from the strokes given by Rajamma mam. Angel :~ Wink .I am happy that at least I gave a try Blum 3 :glasses: ....here is the completed kolam :bigsmile: I will submit the floor version of this kolam if the answer is correct. If not I will submit the floor version of the answer kolam Wink Smile