Woollen Purse

Jayashubha's picture
About Woollen Purse : PRINT

My mother taught to do the basic woollen design. It is done on a netted cloth with cross stich and finally cut in the centre. After finishing the wollen work I took a velvet cloth and stiched the purse also myself. Please give your views.

Rangoli: Woollen Purse


Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow very nice!-suguna murugesan

dibbutn's picture

Wow looks very beautiful.

vijaysowmya's picture

Pretty work.

subashini's picture

beautiful work.

Vinci's picture

The purse designed by you looks good.

bsindhuja's picture

Very pretty.

ammuchandhini's picture

Nice purse jayashubha mam...

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

All of them r beautiful.Which one u r going to gift me shuba dear ?

Jayashubha's picture

It is only purse, I have tried to show all the faces of the purse. Thanks a lot for all your compliments.
Let me know ur address and I'll gift which ever you want Dr.Rekha mam.

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Thank u shuba .very niceof u .difficult to choose as like all of them .Better we will keep it for next time

brindhanagesh's picture

nice purse with pretty work.

smahalakshmi's picture

Looks very pretty. Nice work.
