avargaL - sujAta
About avargaL - sujAta : PRINT
I was watching youtube and this caught my eye. Here is a
screen shot of avargaL - kATrukenna vEli - sujAta.
Relive the memories. Regards! - mOhana

Tue, 2009-04-07 17:25
So, can we assume you watch old tamil movies?

My guess is, you have and you do (but only old ones)!
The new ones, I don't think they're worth wasting 2 1/2 hrs on! Am I right?
Fri, 2009-04-10 17:05
For me story is important. I am not much for technical details.
If there is a good story, I am ready to watch, whatever may be the language
and to whichever period it belongs. Actually, avargaL is a fine movie, too
much for that period of seventies.
Regards! - mOhana