May Lord Karthikeya Bless You with Everything You Wish For on this Auspicious Day of Thai Poosam..... Thai Poosam Wishes to You and Yours....
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Thai Poosam Special
- Nalvaravu
- Happy New Year
- avargaL - sujAta
- Swastika
Created by Purni on 2014-01-16,
Created by Sumathi.v on 2009-07-22,
This kolam is dedicated to all the new entrants of Ikolam.For those who are not familiar with Tamil ,the script means "WELCOME"
Created by jkmrao on 2009-04-07,
I was watching youtube and this caught my eye. Here is a
screen shot of avargaL - kATrukenna vEli - sujAta.
Relive the memories. Regards! - mOhana
Created by jkmrao on 2008-12-18,
I saw some svAstika rangOlis and thought it fit to upload this among the several I created. Actually, it was not my intention to create the svAstika. I was trying to create patterns with a Tamil letter. The svAstikAs were the result.
The puzzle is: find out the letter!