
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Thai Poosam Special
  • Nalvaravu
  • Happy New Year
  • avargaL - sujAta
  • Swastika
Rangoli: Thai Poosam Special
Created by Purni on 2014-01-16,

May Lord Karthikeya Bless You with Everything You Wish For on this Auspicious Day of Thai Poosam..... Thai Poosam Wishes to You and Yours.... Smile

Rangoli: Nalvaravu
Created by Sumathi.v on 2009-07-22,

This kolam is dedicated to all the new entrants of Ikolam.For those who are not familiar with Tamil ,the script means "WELCOME"

Rangoli: Happy New Year
Created by jkmrao on 2009-04-13,

Happy New Year! - Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: avargaL - sujAta
Created by jkmrao on 2009-04-07,

I was watching youtube and this caught my eye. Here is a
screen shot of avargaL - kATrukenna vEli - sujAta.
Relive the memories. Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Swastika
Created by jkmrao on 2008-12-18,

I saw some svAstika rangOlis and thought it fit to upload this among the several I created. Actually, it was not my intention to create the svAstika. I was trying to create patterns with a Tamil letter. The svAstikAs were the result.

The puzzle is: find out the letter!