hai this friday i put this rangoli. the dot count is 7-1 straight. ur views plz
- friday kolam
- Apartment kolam
- Small Chikku Kolam
- Red Peppers
- Podikolam
- Flower Kolam
- Daily-kolam-4
- Dotted deepa kolam
- Daily-Kolam-3
- sikku kolam - sk3
Straight dots: 7 - 1
This is my very own simple kolam which was made on my shoe rack. After drawing the kolam I decided to add the ear bud touch and was happy with the result (could have been neater though)..
Another simple, (last in my collection) 7x1 chikku kolam presented in colors. I have used shades of orange, but it looked almost the same when viewed through the lens.
Please give your suggestions.
I admire Pushpa's maakolam and her style. To give a start for the inspiration, I made this 7x1 kolam, trying to bring out chillies by colouring it.
I couldn't recollect where I saw this design and I had drawn it on my sticker pottu cover, the only available source of paper even in outdoors.
Please give your views and expecting your suggestions..
Another podikolam with dot count 7 x 7 and 4 and 1 dots on all 4 sides...
This kolam is a dotted one, 7-4 inter dots and sides 3-1. It ll look like a star when the dots are kept on all the sides.
This is a dotted kolam with dot count 7-1. your views pls....
7 to 1 straight dots. One evening in the month of kaarthigai.
Yet another daily kolam. This is dotted one with count 7-1. Your views please
Simple 7(2)-1 straight dot sikku kolam interlaced on all the four sides. The four corners ended with a flower design.