Another simple dot kolam with some lines decoration to give a different look.
- simple kolam
- Line-Pulli ( not Lion-Puli) kolam
- Dotted Kolams
- Brahma's knot rangoli
- Sangu kolam
- Dotted Kolam
- dotted kolam
- Sikkal Kolam
- Sikkal Kolam
- Beginner Kolams
This is a dotted kolam.7-1 straight dots.(a modified Pushpaji's recent maakolam).Kolam drawn with wet rice maavu and coloring done with color rangoli powder. Easy to draw lines than filling it fully.

People call this pattern Brahma's knot. It is a dotted kolam. An advanced design which is an extension of this pattern could be found at:
Hope you enjoy it!
The dot count for this kolam is 7 ,6,5,4,3,2,1 and an extension of 3,2,1 on top and bottom for two Sanku's on top and two on bottom.
The dot count is 7-1(straight dots). Its not very perfect, as I made a mistake at the left corner 'S'. But I loved the design as it is easy and different.
The dot count for this kolam is 1-3-5-7-7-5-3-1. Hope you all like it.
Small kolam for daily use. 7-1 dots straight. can be expanded to 15-1 straight also.
Small kolam for daily use. 7-1 dots straight. Can be expanded to 15-1 straight also.
dots: 5 - 5
From my stock of kolams for beginners.
I want to share something here with everyone at this point. During our recent meet in Chennai Rajamma told us something interesting. She said that when she was staying in an apartment (with just about 2' space to draw a kolam) she had put a set of dots with paint which was permanent, so every morning all she had to do was just draw the kolam which was quite easy. With so many 5 - 5 dot kolams available here I am sure many of you can also do what Rajamma did.. Correctaa Rajamma??