
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Lamp kolam
  • Dotted kolam - 5x1 with interlaced dots
  • 5 - 1 kolam with interlaced dots
  • The curves rangoli
  • 5 - 1 kolam with interlaced dots
Lamp kolam
Created by Lata on 2005-09-19,

Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation.

Dotted kolam - 5x1 with interlaced dots
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,

5/5 kolam with interlaced dots

5 - 1 kolam with interlaced dots
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,

5/5 kolam with interlaced dots

The curves rangoli
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,
This rangoli was published on 2004-01-13.
5 - 1 kolam with interlaced dots
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,

5-1 : kolam with parallel dots

Start with two rows of 5 dots at the center and reduce the dots on both sides as shown.
Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation.
