
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Chalk Kolam
  • Pumpkin kolam
  • Lakshmi nivas
  • Studio Rangoli
  • My first dotted kolam
  • Apartment Kolams
  • 531- Grouped Rangolis
  • Conch
  • Dotted kolam - 5 - 1
  • Dotted kolam - 5x1
Rangoli: Chalk Kolam
Created by gowri_ana on 2009-09-04,

sangu kolam. I loved making this borders. 1:5 intermediate dots

Rangoli: Pumpkin kolam
Created by rajamma_2 on 2009-08-19,

The centre pullikolam is my mothers favourite. She used to call it Maththankay kolam( it is the malayalam version of yellow pumpkin)because of its shape.
I have just added some outer decorations to it.And I am in the process of training my fingers to draw thick lines at a strech. Is it Ok?

Rangoli: Lakshmi nivas
Created by ashanagendra on 2009-05-12,

Lakshminivas kolam taught by Rajamji, connecting 1,3,5,2,4,1. My next kolam will be with kolapodi.

Rangoli: Studio Rangoli
Created by judelined on 2009-04-03,

Another tiny kolam of a lamp that can be put on a tile in your pooja room on any festive occasion

Rangoli: My first dotted kolam
Created by rajamma_2 on 2009-03-01,

The dot count is 5,3,1 straight dots.
I have tried to color it, hope it is alright.
By sahana.

Rangoli: Apartment Kolams
Created by judelined on 2009-02-03,

More kolams for people with space constraints... enjoy

dots 5 to 1

531- Grouped Rangolis
Created by Lata on 2006-12-27,

A grouped version of http://www.ikolam.com/node/531

Rangoli: Conch
Created by alameluranganath on 2006-12-27,
This rangoli was published on 2006-12-27.
Dotted kolam - 5 - 1
Created by Lata on 2006-12-21,

Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation. Grouped: http://www.ikolam.com/node/570

Dotted kolam - 5x1
Created by Lata on 2005-12-29,
This is a chikku kolam.
