5 - 1 kolam with interlaced dots

Lata's picture
About 5 - 1 kolam with interlaced dots :

5-1 : kolam with parallel dots

Start with two rows of 5 dots at the center and reduce the dots on both sides as shown.
Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation.


ganga's picture

What happened to this kolam? I am not able to see this?

ashanagendra's picture

This is animated kolam you should press play button,and stop where ever you want to stop.you can as well learn seeing this animated kolam:)

jayamohan's picture

Good job! Easy to learn for beginners.

Lata's picture

Thanks for pointing it out Asha, I need to add a line about clicking on the blue button in order to play the file, in most of the animated kolams.
Thank you Jaya madam. I wish I could make some more of these, it has been a while Smile