
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • First Attempt At Photoshop
  • dotted kolam
  • navarathiri special
  • celtic knot design
  • Celtic knot padikolam
  • mayil kolam
  • tulasi bRndAvana
  • Inspiration kolam 2
  • kolams
  • Dragon bird
Rangoli: First Attempt At Photoshop
Created by dibbutn on 2011-10-14,

This is my first attempt at photoshop. Long way to go, since I do not have any formal training in PS. It is not too good, yet like a small girl waiting to share her first attempt, I felt like sharing with you all this kolam. Please feel free to give me tips on how to improve my work.

Rangoli: dotted kolam
Created by subashini on 2011-10-14,

I made this kolam myself.Eagerly waiting for your comments.Dot grid for this kolam is 12 dots for four lines , eight dots for two lines and four dots for two lines.I put intermediate dots in every two lines.

Rangoli: navarathiri special
Created by subashini on 2011-10-14,

I made this kolam after seeing the comments about "javvarisi kolam".This time I made coral for you.Enjoy.

Rangoli: celtic knot design
Created by subashini on 2011-10-13,

This design was made on photoshop.First, I made the basic design with in 30 minutes and then I reduced the size and copy and paste it on all four sides.I decided to made the kolam as padikolam design.

Rangoli: Celtic knot padikolam
Created by subashini on 2011-09-29,

This Celtic knot design is specially made for navarathiri.Hope you like.

Rangoli: mayil kolam
Created by subashini on 2011-09-27,

share your thoughts about this mayil kolam.Actually, it is a dotted kolam.but sorry to say that I forgot the dot grid.

Rangoli: tulasi bRndAvana
Created by jkmrao on 2011-09-26,

SrIpAdarAya, perhaps the founder of the karNATaka system of music, composed a song bhUshaNake bhUshaNa. In it he mentions aalayake bhUshaNa tulasi bRndAvana (tulasi bRMdAvana is the ornament for a temple). You may hear this song at . purandaradAsa too wrote a song ollanO hari koLLanO ella sAdhanaviddu tuLasi illada pUje (SrI hari will not accept worship without tuLasi even if all other elements are present). You may listen to this song at . I have drawn a two line chikku kOlam of a tulasIbRndAvana for all ladies on the forum, particularly for two whose names begin with the letter l. One is very fond of tulasi mADam and the other draws so many colourful rangOlis before tulasi Smile Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Inspiration kolam 2
Created by subashini on 2011-09-20,

Here is my second kolam of basic design extension.Hope it is o.k.

Rangoli: kolams
Created by sreegiri on 2011-09-19,

These are 2 simple kolams and also after editing and coloring the 2 kolams with flowers.

Rangoli: Dragon bird
Created by Lata on 2011-01-05,

An exotic Dragon bird; something that doesn't exist in the real world. Smile
