Sanskarbarati Rangolis

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Guess who?
  • A big drum roll
  • Free hand Rangoli
  • Rangoli
  • Margazhi rangoli
  • Crossandra - Rangoli
  • Rangoli - Diwali
  • Rangoli (contest entry_123)
  • Maharashtrian Rangoli - 2
Rangoli: Guess who?

Can you guess who made this? Sorry, you can't ask for any clues or questions. If the artist has already emailed you or shared about this rangoli, then please keep it as a secret. Smile
Here is Judy's original description:
After seeing Vani's recent rangoli I could not resist the immediate temptation of recreating it on the computer (with photoshop of course).. This definitely proved a challenge and I am almost about happy with the outcome, just that I should have done the border with thinner lines.. Look forward to your comments dear friends.. Vani sorry I did this without taking your permission - hope I have done justice.

Rangoli: A big drum roll

a big chakra with many minute designs.this took 3hrs for me to complete. this kolam is drawn for a sathya sai bajan held in deiveegam mandapam salem.

Rangoli: Free hand Rangoli

Normal rangoli without dots. Freehand rangoli with no dots.

Rangoli: Rangoli

This is a free hand rangoli. Drawn using funnel to put outlines.

Rangoli: Margazhi rangoli

Colourful flowers around vinayakar, I used colour with kolapodi.

Rangoli: Crossandra - Rangoli
This rangoli was published on 2008-11-26.
Rangoli: Rangoli - Diwali
This rangoli was published on 2008-11-14.
Rangoli: Rangoli (contest entry_123)

Entered for diwali rangoli contest 2008

Rangoli: Maharashtrian Rangoli - 2
This rangoli was published on 2008-09-12.
