Twinkles 'n' blossoms! rangoli

Lata's picture


pouja's picture

plz can u tell me how do i save the kolams that i want to learn? i can't copy it online coz i can't use the internet for so long. please suggest a way.

Lata's picture

The number of dots are given and are clearly visible too for this pattern so you could try to make it with pencil and paper...the old fashioned way Smile

kousalyashankar's picture
Lata's picture


indirasundhar's picture

how can i sent a kolam by internet (by mail?)
i can draw kolams in paintbrush or in word
please reply immediately. thank u

Sumathi.v's picture

attractive colour combonation great finish

timmy_delta88's picture

very beautiful....quite colourful...happy deepavali from Malaysia:D

V.Tejasvini's picture

very nice

vijikrishnan's picture

pl. help me for sending kolams in this website. What is to be done to my taken photos and how can i send here?

rajee sriram's picture

good colour combination and neatly done

jayasahethaa's picture


RAVISHA's picture

Very nice to see & nice colors combination too..

gunasunthari's picture


Lata's picture

I'm glad you think so, thanks.

laviniasoans's picture

Will this look alright without the red background.

Lata's picture

Hello Ms.Abisha,
Yes, this design will look good without any background too.
Please go through other galleries also depending upon your time to get more ideas for your daughter. I hope your daughter finds something she really likes. Wish her good luck on our behalf, and if possible do give us updates later on. Smile

radpri's picture

super design & colour combination also,

lakshmi.c's picture

good one

lakshmi.c's picture

kindly permit me to see the fulll image

veenajayam's picture

nice rangoli
is htere no rangoli contest this time.If so why???

admin's picture

Ms.Veena, nice to hear from you. ikolam doesn't break away from its traditions that easily. Smile
The announcement would be sent out tonight. Thank you for your interest.

Pragaya's picture

This kolam is very nice and what I observe from all kolams of Lata is that her work is very neat and she is very meticulous, in that, she gives even the small details that went into the making of that kolam. It is very easy to learn from her kolams. I have learnt a lot from her kolams. Thanks Lata.