Pongal Kolam

judelined's picture
About Pongal Kolam : PRINT

Hope my Pongal Kolam is good enough to be displayed - dots are 15 to 1.

Rangoli: Pongal Kolam


Lata's picture

I like the natural colors of the pongal pots, and the casually tied up turmeric around their necks. I don't know if it was intentional, but I also think that the darkness of this image works well for this kolam.
Here is what I don't like my friend - I don't like what I read in your description Sad
The next time you make a kolam, I want you to say "this is what I made, and I'm proud of it! Now lets take a close look and see how I can improve on it (in future) or what would I make different the next time around?". You don't have to necessarily send it to ikolam for sharing, just say what I've mentioned...and enjoy your work...please Smile

rajamma_2's picture

The NATURAL look of the pots and the background color are as super as the positive advice of Lata.

judelined's picture

lata you have touched my heart with your comments... i never expected such warmth and affection here.... yes indeed i am proud of my kolams but being a new born here i was a bit hesitant that's all.... just wait and see how i proceed from here on........ actually this kolam was done in the night and that's how the darkness came about...

and thank you rajamma for your comments

manju_praba's picture

Hi Judeline how r u? I love ur rangoli... superab .... Natural colours... Smile
