paDi kOlam - 6

jkmrao's picture
About paDi kOlam - 6 : PRINT

Most of the elements in this rangOli are from the toolkit! The only new ones are the flowers on all the four corners especially created for this and the central ashTadaLa padma. Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: paDi kOlam - 6


Lata's picture

The double stroked lotus outlines are looking very nice in this kolam. I also like how the orange dominates here (makes the outer squares pop out). I see a 3D effect in the 4 off-white lines.

lakshmiraghu's picture

mOhanaji beautiful gives rich look to this kolam

radpri's picture

beautiful work JKMji...

judelined's picture

Gosh! JKM this is really pretty...

rajamma_2's picture

mOhanaji, I am soooooo happy that you have also become a fan of padikolams. From your hand we can expect more and more new designs. This one is looking different with double line lotus and the orange color.

jayamohan's picture

Looks like a hand drawn padikkolam because of the natural looking ezhais!

Purni's picture

Amazing Work, JKMji....