Ladoos for all

dibbutn's picture
About Ladoos for all : PRINT

As so many of you were eager to have ladoos, I decided to make this ladoo kolam... Lataji these ladoos are specially made for you... hope you like it... others are welcome to have as well..

Dots are 18 dots 6 times to 6, straight dots.

Rangoli: Ladoos for all


Lata's picture

Laddoos are my favorite! Thank you so much for thinking of me, and I am glad there is enough for everybody!
If anyone is thinking of making another laddoo kolam, then here is a link , ofcourse the one in the link is not as big as the one Pushpaji has presented us with Smile

anirudh's picture

thanks for the early diwali sweets Pushpaji.

lataji....i took all the laddoos which were on the top of the container....but not able to take out more which are inside , may be you need to tranfer them to bowls/plates like Pushpaji Smile

jkmrao's picture

These virtual laddUs are really good for my health Smile

Regards! - mOhana

judelined's picture

Lovely ladoos Pushpa (but sorry to say this is one of the sweets I hate, my favourite being milk sweets), I am sure everyone would have enjoyed these ladoos....