Kolam for Rani

Vinci's picture
About Kolam for Rani : PRINT

This is specially for Rani and wishing her ..... Let Rani reveal the secret. My kolam may be small, but it carries lots of affection and appreciation towards to you, Hope you like it.
The secret is hidden in her Gallery (Sorry Rani for letting out the clue)

Rangoli: Kolam for Rani


rajamma_2's picture

Vinci, simple kolam but coloring enhances its beauty

Lata's picture

What a crisp and colorful gift, Vinci! I too want one, for my b'day please.:0

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow vinci!!! srokes r thin n neat.colours r super!lovely gift!!!-suguna murugesan

Vinci's picture

Thanks RajamAmma and Lata ( You have to wait for another long month :0
for your comments...

Vinci's picture

Thanks Suguna for your comment.

ammuchandhini's picture

Aahaa...vinci thanks a lot da for this mangalakaramaana beauty....i just loved this more than anything else today...a simple 7-1 dotted kolam looking so grand pa...thanks a tonne again for ur love and affection...

ammuchandhini's picture

Just forgot to add...ur new profile pic is soooooo charming in baby pink col...

bsindhuja's picture

Beautiful kolam with cute and bright colouring. And such a nice gift too for Ms. Rani!

P.Veni's picture

Very sweet and bright,vinci

dibbutn's picture

Vinci wow dear, u have done such an amazing work with this kutty kolam... it looks so grand and beautiful with ur coloring... good job dear

jasree's picture

Very bright n beautiful kolam vinci!!!!!!

vijaysowmya's picture

Excellent... I loved this ...a small one made to look so grand with colors(esp Orange)....your profile pic shows how happy you are to present such a wonderful gift to her:)

jkmrao's picture

Simple design, but the addition of colours has enhanced the beauty.

Regards! - mOhana

Vinci's picture

Thanks Rani, Sindhuja, Veni, Pushpa, Jayanthi, Sowmya and mOhanaji for your encouraging words.

Padma Prakash's picture

SImple design but a grand look due to coloured make up. A nice gift to RAni.

Pragaya's picture

Very apt gift with a wonderful coloured kolam. The orange colour outer broad border is excellent.

judelined's picture

Vinci I can see the love and affection in this kolam as it has come out so well - the strokes, decoration and colouring - everything in the correct proportion - I love the leaves especially. Very cute and loving gift...

judelined's picture

Vinci I can see the love and affection in this kolam as it has come out so well - the strokes, decoration and colouring - everything in the correct proportion - I love the leaves especially. Very cute and loving gift...

lakshmiraghu's picture

beautiful rangoli looks grand.....

Vinci's picture

Thanks Padma, Judy (for your double appreciation ), Lakshmi for your comments.

Radhikha 3's picture

nice kolam with bright red and green.