Holi Flower

Naviprem's picture
About Holi Flower : PRINT

Happy holi to ikolam members. This is a dotted kolam 7x7.

Rangoli: Holi Flower


Lata's picture

This pattern must've been hard to make using dots. Lovely colors, and the white background with cut corners looks good against a navy blue edging.

sreegiri's picture

beautiful rangoli.

rajamma_2's picture

bright colors used. nice white back ground with a frame finish.rajamma

subashini's picture

lovely kolam

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

bright and bold colours for a lovely kolam.

judelined's picture

A pretty tiny kolam - very beautifully coloured Naveena. You have captured the kolam well which is the highlight as we can enjoy the kolam completely Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

ur kolamlooks very bright..nice colour combination...

Sumathi.v's picture

Bright beautiful color combination,neatly done

brindhanagesh's picture

Bright and beautiful kolam Naveena. Drawn it beautifully with neat strokes.

Naviprem's picture

Thanks everyone, for ur lovely comments.

dibbutn's picture

Naveena maam this is an awesome design and what a lovely bright color combination... very beautifully done maam

BharathiKRaman's picture

lovely kolam with beautiful/bright colours.