'David and Goliath'
About 'David and Goliath' : PRINT
It is a picture of the coconut trees in our house which are about 10 years old... Couple of weeks ago we cut the coconuts and trimmed the trees. We opened many of the coconuts and to our surprise we found this teeny weeny coconut which fit inside my palm so I was tempted to click a picture and then I decided to take a picture of the biggest coconut also (which refused to fit in my palm). I then took a picture of both 'David and Goliath' (the famous Bible combo) and made a collage of all these pictures for all of you to enjoy...

Tue, 2009-08-04 15:40
The small one is too cute. Hope it was sweet too.

I've great respect for men who could climb tall coconut trees to pluck coconuts.
Tue, 2009-08-04 19:54
Laurel and Hardy?
Lata, extend your respects to 'women climbers' also! In Kerala there are more than 50 women who are doing it as profession!
Tue, 2009-08-04 19:55
Really! I didn't know that!
Sounds like we have a Laurel and Hardy fan here.
Tue, 2009-08-04 20:59
Nice One, Judy ma'am.... so very thoughtful of You to share this one with us...... any ideas of using grated coconut for KOlams?...
Wed, 2009-08-05 07:08
nice pictures ...judy madam
i am waiting for coconut kolam from you...
Thu, 2009-08-06 02:32
Yes Lata the teeny weeny coconut was sweet indeed
I also agree with you about the coconut climbers - the last time I remember this guy got bit by wasps which had its nest on the coconut tree - poor chap 
Yes Jaya I too heard about women climbers and appreciate their guts...
Let's see how soon I can make grated coconut kolam for Purni and Radha
Thu, 2009-08-06 03:14
Judy madam ... ok madam ll wait to see coconut kolam ....
"kolam come sooooooooooooooooooooon"
right side 1 & 3 picture ... mehendi design also nice...is it your hands?
Thu, 2009-08-06 03:18
Radha you are too good - you managed to see the mehandi design also - yes that is my hand and I put that design - visit imehandi.com and see Anita and my designs there... I am a 'mehandipaithyam' too