ammuchandhini's picture

hai to all...this kutty carrot kolam is priyanka's(my sil's 12 yr daughter) submission....yr views pl..

Rangoli: CARROT


judelined's picture

Wow Priya this is surely a healthy bunch of carrots - good thinking.. I think you should have put a few strokes of white on the head of the carrot and the green would have been more visible then - anyway lovely kolam Smile

dibbutn's picture

Priyanka luscious looking carrots and yes I agree with Judy maam regarding the leaves. yet a lovely one

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u judy and pushpa...

jayamohan's picture

Looks exactly like the carrots we get in India! Good work, Priyanka!

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow!! ur carrots looks sooooo cute and sweet..

ammuchandhini's picture

thanks jaya mam and lakshmi...

anirudh's picture

bright carrots Priyanka...thanks for sharing

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u anirudh....

jkmrao's picture

Nice little fat carrots Smile I like the drawing of the hairy stuff for the carrots. Good symmetry too.

Regards! - mOhana

ammuchandhini's picture

thank u jkm sir...