10 by10 grid kolam

ushavenkatesh's picture
About 10 by10 grid kolam : PRINT

hai friends, 10 by 10 kolam drawn yesterday. your comments please. dots 10-10 straight.

Rangoli: 10 by10 grid kolam


anirudh's picture

different kind of leaves with bright flowers....thanks for sharing ushaji

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely and bright kolam usha mam...

Vinci's picture

Lovely kolam and looks bright in colors.

lakshmiraghu's picture

pretty rangoli usha...

judelined's picture

Good to see a submission from you Usha - and a very pretty one too. I love the red flower looks nice and bright

Pragaya's picture

Very nice green and red rangoli.

P.Veni's picture

Very bright.

vijaysowmya's picture

Very bright and beautiful kolam.

umaraja's picture

bright and neat mam

bsindhuja's picture

Bright and colourful kolam.

smahalakshmi's picture

nice one
