

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Free hand padi kolam
  • Pongal Padikolam
  • Margazhi kolam
  • Margazhi kolam
  • Margazhi kolam
  • Margazhi kolam
  • Margazhi kolam
  • Margazhi kolam

Simple Padikolam with rice paste

 Pongal padi kolam with rice paste.Dot count 4 ,6 ,8x4, 6, 4 st.line dots.

Padi kolam.Dot count 5x5 straight line dots.

Daily kolam.Dot cound 1 to 5 to 1 and all 4 sides 2 to1 interlaced dots.

Well known  simple grid 3 x 3 st. line dots.

Simple appt.kolam.Dot count 3 to 5 to 3 interlaced dots.

Simple sikku kolam 

Daily Margazhi kolam.Dot grid5 x 3,11x 5, 5x 3 st. line dots
