

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Daily kolam
  • Thiruvadirai Padi kolam
  • dotted colour kolam
  • Simple dotted kolam
  • dotted kolam
  • dotted kolam
  • dotted kolam
  • Dotted Padi kolam

Simple daily kolam

It is a dotted Padi kolam. 5 x 5 straight line dots

My daily kolam.Dot count 3,5x2,9, 11x3 St.line dots

My daily kolam. Dot count 3,5,7,9x3 st. line dots.

My old  kolam.Kolam courtesy Rani's rangoli in F.B.Dot count 7 to 13 to 7 interlced dots.

My old daily kolam.Dot count 5 to 9 to 5 and all 6 sides 4 to 1 Interlaced dots.

Kolam courtesy Rani selvaraj from Rani rangolis in Facebook .Dot count  5 to 9 to 5 and1+1 extra dots all 6 sides

This is a padi kolam.
