Hope all of you like this type of sikku kolam.
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- sikku kolam92
- sikku kolam 91
- sikku kolam90
- sikku kolam89
- free hand rangoli
- free hand kolam
- dotted kolam
- dotted kolam
4x4 sikkukolam was drawn in the center and repeated the same design to made this kolam.Hope this method is useful for beginners how to join and make big kolam with the same design.
Dedicate this sikku kolam to sugu,who's kolam impressed me to do an urgent sikku kolam.Hope suguna and also all of you like this urgent kolam.
Can any one guess from where I have taken that center design ,for this free hand design?
Hope you like this free hand kolam of sowmi's kolam, made on photo shop.It is an inspiration kolam .