

Rangoli: Dotted kolam
Rangoli: pongal kolam
Rangoli: beginner kolam.
Rangoli: new year kolam
Rangoli: Margazhi kolam
Rangoli: beginner kolam
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Adi veLLi kolam3
  • movable rangoli
  • sikku kolam100
  • sikku kolam99
  • Adi veLLi kolam2
  • sikku kolam98
  • sikku kolam97
  • Two in one -2
Rangoli: Adi veLLi kolam3
This rangoli was published on 2013-08-01.
Rangoli: movable rangoli

First time I made this moveable rangoli design on photo shop.I want to share it with you.I want to try this design on oHb share your views.

Rangoli: sikku kolam100

Here is my 100th kolam.First of all I want to tell thanks to all of you ikolam friends.There are two reason to select this design for my century.First reason is obvious.that is this is the ikolam emblem .all of you know that.The second one is my personal.It was the very first kolam which was taught to me by my mother.I like this very much.Once again thank you very much all of you for encouraging me and motivated to reach the high position in computer kolam.

Rangoli: sikku kolam99

Hope you like more to go 100th kolam.

Rangoli: Adi veLLi kolam2

Here is my Adi veLLi kolam .share your views

Rangoli: sikku kolam98

Hope you like this simple to complex sikku kolam .

Rangoli: sikku kolam97

Hope you like this simple sikku kolam with multicolored.

Rangoli: Two in one -2

Hope you also like this second one too.Hope all of you too will try with these dot count and find another design.Are you ready?
