This kolam i put on 30-12-2009. Tommorrow is Thiruvathirai. It is on this day ladies take vratham and break by seeing the Ardra Darsan of Lord Siva the next day morning. I have put a small Siva Lingam in the middle of this kolam.
- Happy New Year Kanya Kolam
- Fee hand kolam
- Simple Kolam
- kanya kolam
- Karthigai kolam
- Podi Kolam Put for Kuppa Karthigai today
- Maa Kolam
- hridaya kamalam kolam
This kolam i took for Ms. Akhilandeswari. She has put this design in podi kolam. I made some little changes and did this in Wet ma kolam. Ms. Akhilandeswari has dont this perfectly and mine is not as perfect as hers. Please do c this and give your comments. Thank u
Hi my karthigai wet maa kolam. This was also washed by rain and lille bit. Put on 1- December 2009
This kolam i put today morning also washed by rain not fully but a little is remaining. Evening if the kolam is there should put the lamps in this.
Hridaya kamalam kolam we put in puja room. it is one pulli in middle. the on all four sides u put five pilli each and in between two sides put one more row 5 pulli. so there will be eight 5 pulli each on all sides. then starting from 1st pulli near the centre 3rd pulli in the next row 5th pulli in the next then 2nd pulli and 4th in the next row to 1st in the next like that the kolam continues. then in all the eight sides u write hridaya kamalam in tamil. devi special kolam.