Happy New Year Kanya Kolam

alameluranganath's picture
About Happy New Year Kanya Kolam : PRINT

This kolam i put on 30-12-2009. Tommorrow is Thiruvathirai. It is on this day ladies take vratham and break by seeing the Ardra Darsan of Lord Siva the next day morning. I have put a small Siva Lingam in the middle of this kolam.

Rangoli: Happy New Year Kanya Kolam


sudhabalakrishnan's picture

excellent Alameluji your padikolam is very very attractive. the small diyas, stars and the shiv ling has come out very nice. the 4 top designs and side designs looks like a shankhu. the strokes are so perfect and neat.

dibbutn's picture

Alamelu ma'am a very pretty and beautiful kolam... the shivalingam looks so cute and nice

alameluranganath's picture

thank u dibbutn

alameluranganath's picture

thank u sudha thanx a lot

Sarasp's picture

Looks Awesome! 'am spellbound..

admin's picture

This has come out very nice Priya! Nice wavy lines and decorations all over. Smile

admin's picture

I forgot to add that the tiny lingam at the center has some out well.

jkmrao's picture

Nice paDikOlam. I like one thing quite a bit in this. In the sea of back and white a few red patches look very shining. My mind goes back to the movie Schindler's list where the red dress of a girl stands out. Great contrast!

Regards! - mOhana

alameluranganath's picture

thank a lot for all ur comments dears

lakshmiraghu's picture

wow!!grand kolam,beautiful design...very attractive padi kolam

Rajusree's picture

Wow. excellent padikolam. Ur padikolam always looks rich and grand.

alameluranganath's picture

thanx a lot lakshmiraghu and rajusree for ur comments

anirudh's picture

wonderful design Alameluji...the elements belonging to Shiva, can be seen in each and very lines, thanks for sharing.

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

Anirudh, its been long time to see your name on the main page, seems to be very busy

r.suganthy's picture

very neat and excellent

alameluranganath's picture

thank u anirudh, sudha balakrishnan and suganthy

judelined's picture

Wow what a lovely elaborate padikolam - Alamelu I envy you always for your traditional kolams Smile

rajamma_2's picture

Alamu/Priya, wonderful new year and Thiruvadhirai padikoalm.( I missed it since I was busy with my sister's son's wedding and fell sick).Here your double ezhai with neli with wetmaavu is very bright and neat.U have drawn a kutti Shivalingam in that small place.. very nice.I am one of your maakolam fans.

alameluranganath's picture

dear rajamma and judy. all ur supports thank u very much my friends