Submission for "Let's get growing" Not sure what flower this is...:-( but with lots of butterflies...:-)
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Butterflies and flowers
- Chitra pournami kolam
- Padi Kolam
- Simple rangoli
- Tamil New year kolam
- Paper Kolam
- Kaavi Kolam
- Karthigai Kolam
This is the padikolam with squares and triangles. I hope this has comeout much better except the top right corner where my son stepped on it.
Tis simple rangoli which is made on one windy and sunny day. Tried with colored sand and rice flour with little kolapodi. Hope it has comeout o.k.
It is an inspirational kolam from all experts of ikolam. Yellow food color is used for kavi. Suggestions please.
Inspired by Rajamma mam's chikku kolam with border, tried this and will try better the next time.
First kolam with Kavi... sorry for the late submission. finally found a way to shrink the file size below 2MB.