Butterflies and flowers

Rajusree's picture
About Butterflies and flowers : PRINT

Submission for "Let's get growing" Not sure what flower this is...:-( but with lots of butterflies...:-)

Rangoli: Butterflies and flowers


ammuchandhini's picture

yeah padma sooo many colourful butterflies on all sides.. lovely kolam...

alameluranganath's picture

wow beautifuly. very beautiful

Vasi's picture

AAAha super flowers & butterflies.Keep it up.

anirudh's picture

wow, nice collection of butterfiles in the garden, thanks for sharing.

judelined's picture

OMG how many flowers and butterflies Padma - lovely Smile

jkmrao's picture

Nice pleasing work! Poor flowers at all the centres, no butterflies for their honey Smile

Regards! - mOhana

dibbutn's picture

Padma maam this is really good with wonderful coloring of butterflies and flowers