Hai Friends.... I've made this free hand kolam on the last day of Marghazhi... Hope you all enjoyed my kolams little bit. Thanks to all for encouraging me with your valuable comments.. I am exp.. your comments on this.....
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Bye Bye Marghazhi
- Marghazhi Special - 23
- Marghazhi Special - 22
- Marghazhi Special - 21
- Marghazhi Special - 19
- Marghazhi Special - 18
- Marghazhi Special - 17
- Marghazhi Spl-15
Dear Friends.... I've made this free hand kolam on Friday...Your views please...
Dear Friends.... Just I've tried JKM sir design.... Your views please.... JKM Sir, please forgive me....
Dear Friends.... This is also one of my Marghazhi kolam. Your views please.....
Hai Friends!!!!! Please have a view on my free hand kolam... I am exp ur valuable views.......