Hai Friends!!!!! I made this kuzhal kolam long back, but I've forgot to upload...... ur views plz...
- Kuzhal kolam
- My Parents 50th wedding anniversary
- Tamil New Year
- Stencil Design - 1
- Thai Velli special-II
- Marghazhi Kolam
- Sivarathri special
- Kuzhal kolam
Hai Friends!!!!! I've made this kolam on 12th of May for my parents 50th wedding anniversary. Ur views please.....
Hai Friends!!!!!! Hope all are fine at our ikolam family. After a long gap I am visiting ikolam site. Due hectic work load I was not able to visit the site. Now only I find some time to visit the site. slowly I will view all the kolams made by our members & comment. This kolam I made on Tamil New years day... Ur views please.....
Hai!!!! This is one of stencil design, just I am uploading the close view of the stencil...
Hai Friends!!!!! This is one of my marghazhi kolam, which I forgot to upload, though I am not happy with thr outer border, just I am uploading for your views.
Hai Friends!!!! I've made this kuzhal kolam for sivarathri....your views please....